Wednesday, August 6, 2008

cipolla's got a new look!

after months of countless doodles and doubts, i'm finally happy with a new look for cipolla.

we've got a new logo, new packaging and tags, a new shop addy []... and of course, new items!

... now if only i could find the time to get our website up and running.
- but for now, we of course love and adore our fabulous Etsy shop ;)

let me know what you think of our new onion!



roxx said...

I love it!!!

and my new "hobo" bag is awesome!!!

can't wait to see what else is in store from cipolla shop . . . especially the new website . . . get html-ing girl!!!


Anonymous said...

Never mind the onion -- your products are absolutley gorgeous! :) (Found your blog via your etsy shop and have loved reading through the archives. Thanks!)