Tuesday, March 25, 2008

hanky love.

we're having a happy hanky sale at cipolla!

hankies in the etsy shop are on sale for as low as $7.50 each.
I'm making room for new hankies in the coming months,
so now's a great time to snatch up a bargain!

handkerchiefs are indespensible little tools - not just for sneezes, but for spills, hot coffee cups, funky pocket squares, and more.

they make fab gifts - pretty and practical, and eco-friendly too :)

chocolate cream trio - $22.50

vintage prints duo - $15.00

asian scenic hanky - $7.50

cipolla hankies are made from prewashed, 100% cotton. they are two ply, sewn carefully and topstitched for extra durability. washer and dryer safe. and damn cute!

hooray for hankies!
♥ m.

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